brake actuator technical literature



Mixing Standard & Long Stroke Chambers

Form #: EB 02-002

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MGM Brakes recommends replacing chambers with the same stroke rating across an axle. When servicing a truck/trailer equipped with either standard stroke or long stroke chambers, it is crucial that replacement of the chambers be like for like. For example: if a 3-inch stroke chamber is to replace a 2.5-inch stroke chamber, both chambers on that axle must be upgraded to 3-inch chambers.




Procedure for Determining Correct Push-Rod Length - Field Replacement

Form #: EB 03-004

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This procedure will explain how to determine the correct push rod length when the old unit is unavailable or there is concern the push rod length was incorrectly established during a previous installation.




Type 12 Diaphragms - S-Cam & Wedge Installations

Form #: EB 04-001

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MGM Brakes offers two different Type 12 Diaphragms for aftermarket replacement, P/N 8017112 and P/N 8017312. While these diaphragms are similar in diameter, composition, etc., they are distinctly different in height, and mixing them may result in reduction of the chamber’s stroke.




Replacing Piggyback Chambers - 2.5 inch stroke vs. 3.0 inch stroke

Form #: EB 04-005

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When servicing a truck/trailer/bus equipped with either standard stroke or long stroke chambers, it is crucial that replacement of the piggyback chambers be like-for-like. For example: A 2.5-inch stroke piggyback chamber must be replaced with a 2.5-inch stroke piggyback chamber.





Form #: EB 06-003

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MGM Brakes believes the industry needs to be reminded of the dangers associated with servicing double clamp banded spring brakes.




RAPPEL À L'INDUSTRIE AU SUJET DE LA SÉCURITÉ. Freins à ressort à double collier d'attache

Form #: EB 06-003FC

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MGM Brakes believes the industry needs to be reminded of the dangers associated with servicing double clamp banded spring brakes. French Canadian version.




RECORDATORIO DE SEGURIDAD PARA LA INDUSTRIA. Frenos de Resorte con Doble Abrazadera de Banda

Form #: EB 06-003SP

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MGM Brakes believes the industry needs to be reminded of the dangers associated with servicing double clamp banded spring brakes. Spanish version.




J-Series Brake Head Movement - In the Roll Area

Form #: EB 06-005

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The roll process for the J-series Spring Brake design displaces a circumferential strip of head material into the securing groove in the flange case by a cold forming operation. The inward radial deformation of the head material, which occurs during the roll process, imparts residual stresses into the head material comparable to similar cold forming operations.




MJS Service Diaphragm Replacement

Form #: EB 07-003

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This bulletin is to notify customers of the availability of “reinforced” diaphragms for use in MJS Model Chambers with spring brake parking force-output (pounds-force) in excess of 2300 lbs. at 1¼-inches of stroke: i.e. MJSxx28 and xx30.




Hydraulic Driveline Brake Service Kit Installation

Form #: EB 09-001

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The following installation instructions shall be used when installing the hydraulic cartridge service kit.




Neoprene Diaphragm Wear Characteristics

Form #: EB 15-003

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This bulletin is to explain the wear characteristics of a neoprene diaphragm.




service recommendation for submerged s-cam drum and disc brake actuators

Form #: EB 19-005 Rev.2

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This bulletin provides a recommendation for inspection and service of MGM Brake’s brake actuator products which may have been exposed to flood water conditions or submersion in water. Most MGM brake actuators are not designed for use while submerged in water. Care must be taken to ensure brake actuators which may have been exposed to water submersion are safe for use prior to operating the vehicle. MGM Brakes offers a specific vented configuration for select brake actuator models which allows for operation during water fording situations. This is a specific configuration which must be requested and is not commonly used with on road applications.  




lts parking actuator service manual

Form #: EB  20-001

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This manual provides instruction for proper inspection and service of MGM Brakes LTS double diaphragm long stroke actuators with integrated release bolt. The following sections provide a guide for brake actuator inspection, service and disposal.  




lts  (new design) & ltr (prior design) interchangeablity

Form #: EB  20-002

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The LTS model is an enhanced version of the LTR which is a double diaphragm parking actuator that features a significant reduction in overall height, patented “Corrosion Fighter Technology” and a compact dual thread integrated release bolt. The LTS actuator includes equivalent function and performance as the LTR model but in a more compact size and with increased durability.

This bulletin provides a comparison of the LTS and LTR models. It is important to understand the similarities when conducting service part selection, inspections and installation.




R7A and R8H Remote Actuator Disposal Instruction

Form #: EB  23-001

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This bulletin provides instruction for proper disposal of MGM Brakes R7A and R8H remote actuators.




mgm brakes s-cam drum & disc actuator service manual

Form #: EB  24-001 

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This manual provides instructions for proper inspection and service of MGM Brakes S-Cam Drum and Disc actuators. The following sections provide a guide for brake actuator inspection, service, and disposal.

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